A Country Girl's Thoughts on Life.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

♥Julie and Julia♥

Okay So, I have been Absent for a few days. And no I wasn't Playing Hooky. ;) Okay, maybe I was......Or Maybe Not. You will never know. ;) 

This Blog is My Julie/Julia Project. I saw the movie on accident, because we had a free subscription to STARZ from our cable company the first month. {Which by the way, I thought was pretty sweeeet. hehe}
When I had read about it in Magazines, I was like, "That looks like SUCH a dumb movie" BOY was I wrong. I mean wrong as two left feet. This Movie has a 5 STAR rating. If you haven't watched it, then I suggest you get your little hiney up right this second and GET IT! {okay maybe not THIS second, you should finish my blog first. hehe}

I watched the movie, and I understood it. I understood Julie, who felt like she had nothing on her life to account for. It was the same old mundane routine. She wanted something to look forward to. She wanted to be held accountable. 
And Julia, Geeee Wilikers I LOVE Julia Childs. And Meryl Streep was the best actress to portray her! ♥

This blog is my JULIE/JULIA project. Where I will give you a book review, a movie review, a restaurant review, REVIEWS of all SORTS! hehe And Even Glimpse's into my life. 
I think I have one Faithful Reader, and it is my Best Friend From Canada. And she is the BOMB DIGGETY.
Yeahhhhh I just said the Bomb Diggety. 

So now that I have explained my reasoning of Blogging. I have some catch-up work to do. Two more Blogs my darlings.

A Country Girl

Monday, October 18, 2010

Facebook De-friending Etiquette

Sometimes that Word can be such a bad word. My husband and I call it the "F" word. 
YES I do have a Facebook, And sometimes I wish I didn't. 

People take Facebook to the extreme, or too seriously.  

So I am going to talk about FACEBOOK and it's unspoken etiquette and whether (based on my OPINION of course whether it is okay, or NOT OKAY) hahaha
And of course, it's MY OPINION, not a rule or the God's Honest Truth. Just so we have that straight. ;)


We did a HUGE purge of our friends list recently. Because honestly, if I haven't seen you since preschool, and you don't even talk to me to me on FB what is the POINT of keeping you on. hehe. People get SO SO SO SO SO SO SO OFFENDED if someone deletes them. "Oh My Lands, they DELETED ME, It is the end of the world!" 
OKAY STOP, Obviously, it is not the end of the world. Maybe yours. ;) But not for the rest of us. hehe

And then you have to people who write you a message after you happen to unfriend them and they are OUTRAGED at the fact that you deleted them, Or the ones that write you and ask "Did I offend you?".
Then you feel obligated to add them back. 

Honestly I don't get upset if someone unfriends me anymore. I used to when I was young and immature and constantly needed everyones attention and approval. 

NOT ANYMORE> Not this girl......NO SIREE!  I will tell you like it is in a hot second.  No matter how Politically Incorrect I am or How bad I hurt your Wittle Feelings. SORRY. This lady is straight to the point. Like a sharpshooter. haha. 

ANYWAYS, back to my ORIGINAL point. I tend to get sidetracked. ;)

PEOPLE have a right to UNFRIEND. It's like spring cleaning. Makes you feel GOOD. ♥ Like Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry "Do you feel Lucky today?" "Well do ya Punk!?" Okay maybe not that extreme but prettttttty CLOSE. ;) 

Back to making the ending of my point after about 745165463451341365464531 detours. ;) 
Look if someone ends up deleting you. 
DON'T take it personal. 
DON'T message them and ask why. 
DON'T get all Fatal Attraction on them and Stalk them on FB. 
DON'T post on your status about how you couldn't believe someone deleted you, You look like a pathetic 2 year old throwing a temper tantrum. 
And to this day I have never seen one temper tantrum that looked pretty. 

Just be happy. Be thankful that you are alive, Be Thankful for the Friends and Family that still put up with your nonsense on FB and haven't unfriended you yet. hehe. 

Think of Fields with lots of flowers in it and pink and purple ponies chasing butterflies. 

Okay....maybe that was a bit too far. You don't want people to think you have gone off the deep end, because you will DEFF be unfriended then. ;)

Much love to you all. 
I bid you farewell for the day. 

A Country Girl

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Seattles Pike Place Market Flower Bouquets

Well for our 1st Wedding Anniversary, My husband took me up to Seattle. Not a City I prefer, but seeing as I am a smalltown girl, I consider myself a bit biased. 

A couple things about Seattle to keep in Mind. 

2. The Majority of people are rude in Downtown Seattle, BUT WAIT.....That doesn't mean that everyone there is rude. {Seeing as I am from a Small Southern Town. Im used to Southern Hospitality, I mean even in the Big city of Richmond Virginia there is that southern Hospitality} But I found most of the individuals rude. :(

Anyways My husband Took me to Pikes Place Market. Very interesting place. Kinda like a HUGE BIG Farmers market. Except there are weird creepy people at Pikes Place. YES YES I know, It's not Mayberry Farmers Market, It's in a huge city. But it was very neat, all kinds of things besides food. My husband surprised me with a HUGE and I mean HUGE, GIGANTIC, MASSIVE Flower Bouquet. Here's a Picture to Describe how HUGE it is.....

DIDN'T I say it was HUGE? hahaha 
I bet you thought I was exaggerating.............
I wasn't was I!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????????

My husband only paid 25 DOLLARS.....ONLY 25 DOLLARS!!!!!!
Yes I am not lying. 
Go yourself and Find out........
But bring lots of drinks and snacks for the traffic jams. And a Smile for all the rude people. ♥

You would pay a ARM and a LEG and a Eyeball.....{Okay maybe not a Eyeball. I was exaggerating there...hehe} at a florist. And it lasted for a Whole MONTH. ♥
SO YES Pikes Place Market Vendors have my Blessings. 

GO CHECK them OUT! ♥

A Country Girl.♥